A system of social prosperity guaranteed by human activity

A Citizen’s Dividend aims to give everyone an annual stipend that is enough to guarantee a humane and decent existence.

This stipend is generated from the collection and redistribution of economic rent taken from land value, as well as rents from oil, minerals, license fees and other forms of the commons.

Such a system of economic rent, once put into place in society, is practically self-sustaining. It doesn’t need any specific politician or political party to stay in power to keep the system active. It keeps itself alive simply through human activity ensuring there is always enough economic rent to collect to make everyone happy.

A Citizen’s Dividend has the potential of having bipartisan support

A Citizen’s Dividend has the potential of having bipartisan support. Regardless of whether you’re left or right, chances are there’s nothing in a Citizen’s Dividend that conflicts with your beliefs.

The left will appreciate its way of providing a social safety net for everyone, while the right will be happy that it doesn’t support the big government or hurt business.

Regardless of political allegiance, anyone can support this system of endless income.

Untapped wealth of economic rent

What is simultaneously favourable for business, good for security, fit for mental health, and beneficial for social welfare?
An economic policy that collects a country’s untapped wealth of economic rent, from land and other sources of the commons. The rent is then redistributed to every citizen — yes, every citizen — of that country.
Properly implemented, this wealth from economic rent is so bountiful that it can even replace taxes altogether. In addition to giving everyone a universal basic income (only better because it doesn’t require higher taxes to be funded). Everyone wins this way.

A Citizen’s Dividend aims to give everyone a form of universal income

Economic rent, put simply, is a sort of unearned income. The benefits a farmer gets from having land that just so happens to be more fertile. The farmer can produce more fruits and vegetables. It is an unearned form of income.

A Citizen’s Dividend aims to give everyone a form of universal income.

It is the income financed from all the accumulated economic rent throughout society, particularly when it comes to economic rent from land.

It has all the benefits of traditional welfare or a universal basic income. The difference is Citizen’s Dividend gives people more than what these traditional big government systems do without needing to raise taxes for anyone.