It’s not welfare, but a Special Purpose Vehicle

One of the things that makes a Citizen’s Dividend different from welfare or a traditional universal basic income is that it doesn’t involve increasing the size or role of government.
Everyone gets a regular stipend generated from the collection of economic rent from things like land and natural resources. But the government isn’t in charge of this extraction and redistribution process.
Instead, it’s a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) doing the work, just like the UK’s Crown Estate. An SPV is an independent organisation that isn’t affected by party politics or government corruption.

Churchill spent a good deal of his life to deliver Economic Rent for UK Citizen

Winston Churchill was among many figures throughout history who understood the importance and potential of economic rent.

In a 1909 speech that was addressed to the House of Commons, he delivered his idea of a budget “package” he authored designed to help end poverty in the UK. Part of this package was a proposal to collect some of the economic rent.

This isn’t a very well-known aspect of his life, despite how prescient he was being. Looking back at history, one will find that economic rent collection and redistribution isn’t just a far-fetched or eccentric idea, after all, seeing as how even mainstream figures saw it as important and viable.